
Showing posts from May, 2019


Unconditional love us very hard to find. You wander your whole life in search of true love when all it takes is one right moment. You meet the person and you realise then and there that everything will turn out right if he/she is in your life. 😍 What hurts is when the feeling is not mutual and you are only left with your fantasies of an ideal world that doesn't exists. When your appearance is given more importance than your character. 😔 Here I am writing a poem which is based on a similar story of a girl who couldn't get her true love. Hope you like it...... You just didn't want to be alone. She cried for you, she died for you. She wanted to be a bride for you. But fate had other plans for her, And now that each memory is blur. She has gone very far away, In your heart she wanted to stay, You kicked her out, she died inside, But never gave up, she tried and tried. Maybe you made her feel better. Maybe you blossomed her miserable life. Maybe


AS A KID AND A STUDENT, SCIENCE ALWAYS FASCINATED ME. I THOUGHT EVERYTHING COULD BE POSSIBLE THROUGH SCIENCE. AND I WAS RIGHT !! TEENAGE LOVE ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN DESCRIBE THROUGH WORDS. HERE I AM WRITING A POEM ON HOW I SEE MY LOVE THROUGH SCIENCE. AS I HAVE STUDIED FIVE SUBJECTS (CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, MATHS, COMP. SCIENCE AND ENGLISH), SO THE EMOTIONS ARE CONNECTED TO THESE ONLY... HOPE YOU LIKE IT.....😄 You are electron to my lone pair, The attraction to my nucleus. My one and only love is you, Be mine don't be dubious. Sigma bonding starts with you, My affinity you are. I am most stable with you, So please don't be so far. You are law of my emotions. The resolution of my heart. My mental equilibrium, My end and my start. You are source of my hope, The tension in my rope. The recoil of my gun and, My smile's slope. You are cosine to my sine. My universal set of love. My PMI, My calculus, My tangent and my curve. Centre of my mind


A POET IS SOMEONE WHO PACKS POWERFUL EMOTIONS IN HIS/HER POETRY. THEY ARE OFTEN PRAISED FOR THEIR POEMS BUT LITTLE DO PEOPLE KNOW HOW MUCH HARD WORK GOES INTO WRITING JUST A SINGLE STANZA.... HERE I AM WRITING A POEM ON POETS WHICH GIVES US INSIGHT OF WHAT THEY THINK AND BELIEVE... HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY...😃 I am a Poet. I am writing an Art, Because I am capable to bleed my heart, And turn emotions into a word, That becomes mightier than a sword. I live from ages to ages, And from pages to pages. I don't die , I keep on living, I teach the sacred art of loving. I am a Poet. I am painting an Art. To make the light win over the dark. I color the sky blue in the morning, And red when the dusk of the day is setting. To remind the world that war on the day, Will stop soon and no longer stay. I give black color to the night, To give the stars, a chance to light. I am a Poet. I am cherishing an Art. To heal the wound and leave a m


AS WE ALL KNOW, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PHASE OF OUR LIFE IS OUR CHILDHOOD AND IT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED SIMPLY BY WORDS. HERE I AM WRITING A POEM ON CHILDHOOD... IT IS BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES BUT I AM SURE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONNECT WITH IT...🚸 In the attic of my childhood , I had a huge trunk . Full of sweet memories , that opened with a clunk . The days glittering with sunshine , the nights knitted with lullabies . The time of joy and happiness , when I was adorable for my cries . The fear of ghosts and dark , knees decorated with cut marks . Longings to go to the park , imitating a dog's bark . I miss it , I miss it the most , the time of being careless . It is now a treasure , that I no longer posses .