
Showing posts from May, 2023


SOMEONE WHO HAS A PAST IS NOT ALWAYS ABLE TO GIVE IT THEIR ALL TO OTHERS EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW THAT BOTH OF THEM ARE TRYING THEIR BEST... IT'S HARD TO PUT UP A BRAVE FACE AND EMBRACE YOUR VULNERABILITIES IN FRONT OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE...     Too many clouds in the sky, hiding the warmth, obscuring the sun. A silhouette holds my hand firmly, And pulls me into flower beds that burn. Her laughter echoes throughout the valley, A few rays seep and illuminate her eyes. They're glistening with brightness like those of stars, And for a moment, I forget all my lies. "I love it when you smile so much" "I love to see you cheerful" - she says. So, I believe her and deceive myself, that I have left behind my past days. My eyes swell up and start to gush, hearing those words, heavy downpour begins. Her innocent love, she shares with me, And wipes my eyes with her bare skin. My mouth is stuck, words won't come out, while I look into those eyes full of love. Hastily, I tell




PEOPLE LEAVE... THAT'S WHAT THEY DO IF THEY DON'T FIND THE COMFORT IN YOU. WHAT THEY SEEK REMAINS UNFULFILLED. NOT BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FIND WHAT THEY LACK, BUT THEY CAN'T APPRECIATE WHAT THEY HAVE. PEOPLE LEAVE... AND THAT'S THE WAY OF LIFE. It all began, when you slid into my life that day. A whole bunch of thoughts but a few words to say. I tried so miserably to cast your thoughts aside, And all my feelings, I suppressed them with might. But a heart's long gone is a worthless case, It wanders in the direction of your gaze. Fooling itself with the fantasies, Calming down when your smile, it sees. So far away, uncountable miles, I can't go there in a thousand lives. To the place where my dreams come true, To the place where my dream is you. So much to listen to, all this sound, You speak as if there is no one around. And if I tell you this, I wonder what you'll do? Your voice is so silent, I can't hear you. Some mishaps happened and I pushed you away