
Showing posts from January, 2021


SOMETIMES, I JUST SIT DOWN AND PONDER OVER WHAT OR WHO AM I? THIS QUESTION NEVER HAD ANY DEFINITE ANSWER. TO COME UP WITH A THING TO DEFINE YOURSELF IS VERY HARD. A SELF-INTROSPECTION IS MUCH NEEDED IN THESE TIMES OF CHAOS. HERE IS A POEM. HOPE YOU ALL LOVE IT... Yesterday, I talked to me and asked myself, who am I? Failing to come up with an answer, I mused and hours went by. Am I this body, full of flaws, with hardened bones and a funny jaw? Covered with flesh from head to toe, I sat there looking at myself in awe. Surely, I thought, I am the brain, as it wants all the knowledge attained. It yearns to always be entertained. Then why, am I so uncertain? I could be the soul, resting at ease, driving the body so it could be appeased. Draining the brain in search of peace, then the truth struck me and my thinking ceased. A wondrous existence, like all others, who were and who will be. I am the body, I am the brain, I am the soul, they constitute me.


SILENCE - IT ALWAYS FASCINATED ME THAT HOW ITS DUAL NATURE AFFECTS US ALL. IT CAN BE BEAUTIFUL TO SOME AND CHOKING FOR OTHERS. IT MAY NOT BE A HYPERBOLE TO SAY THAT SILENCE IS ONE OF THE GREATEST WEAPONS. THE SAME IS DEPICTED THROUGH THE POEM. HOPE YOU LIKE IT... A few moments - that's all it took, to turn him into an effigy. With ruined mind and shattered soul, he, in himself, became a refugee. 'What was Silence?' - ask of him, for he is the one who is drowned in it. Trapped in a dream, glued to the past, but if you ask, he wouldn't admit. He would say that he is not stuck, and moved on a long time ago. But he relives it every single day, as the nightmares wouldn't go. He always told himself, that he won't descend into madness. But as much as silence is beautiful, it is a killer with no kindness. Day by day, more numb he went until he couldn't feel a thing. The people he once cared for, now felt as harsh as a bee's sting. You may say that it is not poss


WHENEVER WE LOOK BACK AT OUR LIFE, WE CONSIDER A TIME WHEN ALL WAS WELL. WHEN EVERY PROBLEM OF TODAY DIDN'T EXIST AND WE WERE HAPPY AND WHOLE. BUT THEN SOMETHING HAPPENED OR TO BE PRECISE IN OUR LIVES - SOMEONE HAPPENED AND ALL YOU REMAIN WITH IS THEIR VOID IN YOUR LIFE. HERE IS POEM DEPICTING THE SAME... When you were the centre of my world, in your eyes, my universe used to shine. It is hard to bear the ugly truth, you couldn't even see a star in mine. All was well before we met, then I stopped being the man I was. I moulded myself into someone, who listened to you with unending pause. All was well back in the day when you smiled while holding my hand. Those hands are now so fragile, I fear they will fall like a castle of sand. The dreams and wishes that rose in me of you with me and we being well, are now lying shattered by reality while I am in conflict with myself. You took a part of me with you. I couldn't smile, I couldn't cry. Now I won't ever be whole again