
Showing posts from February, 2022


 A WOUND HEALS. A SCAR FADES AWAY. IT'S POSSIBLE TO RECOVER FROM AN INJURY. BUT ONCE A MIND AND SOUL IS HURT, IT STAYS THERE FOREVER. NO AMOUNT OF REHAB CAN MEND THEM. HERE IS  A POEM THAT CONTAINS THE CONFESSION OF ONE SUCH BROKEN MIND... I can't be your strength anymore, as you are my sole weakness. We are inches away from each other, yet our feelings, we can't confess. I ask myself - What are you? And in this mess, how did we arrive? You've killed me over a million times, and you're the one that makes me alive. You've stolen all the warmth from me, now I can't give it to people I love. It's a parasite that eats me up from within, which you say is all flowers and dove. Ever so often, I laugh hysterically, and pity the sorry state I am in. I tell myself - it's wasted on you, this affection for you that I hold within. For a mind so broken, it's awfully bright, to think such words for the one who was untrue. It spends its days collecting the shard


 जल चुकी है वो चिता जिसपे बैठा हुआ मेरा तन है, अब इन लाल लपटों में मिलकर आग बनने का मन है। या तो हवा से मिलकर खो जाऊंगा आकाश में, फिर याद रखेगी ये दुनिया मुझे अपनी हर श्वास में। जब सुलग कर बुझ जाएगी मेरी ये शय्या, होकर इस धरती का मैं सींचूंगा जीवन नया। तब त्याग कर इस प्राण को हो जाऊंगा तुम सबसे दूर, और एक जन्म लेकर फिर आऊंगा मिलने ज़रूर। यही मेरा अस्तित्व है, यही मेरी पहचान है, और कोई जीने का मतलब क्या इससे महान है?