
Showing posts from April, 2021




OFTEN, THE FEELING OF BEING FED UP FROM THIS WORLD BUILDS WITHIN. IT TELLS YOU ALL SORTS OF THINGS AND YOU BECOME RESTLESS AND YOUR PEACE GOES AWAY. HERE IS A SIMILAR POEM. HOPE YOU ENJOY IT... The days are awful, terrible are the nights. I want to stop existing as I'm too scared to fight. I feel like running far away where the time doesn't count, to the place unknown to me where my reality is out of bounds. I lose myself day by day just to escape from all these stings. And when I give up trying, I end up losing everything. Although, I've endured plenty yet the fears I know not of, they creep up slowly inside me and bind me down like handcuffs. I don't know where I will go, from this path that I've started on. Promise me, when I leave this world, more will you smile, less will you mourn.


THAT RARE MOMENT OF OVERFLOWING JOY AND EMOTION WHEN YOU MEET A LONG LOST SOMEONE IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL. A JOURNEY THAT YOU ONCE SHARED GAVE YOU BOTH LOTS OF MEMORIES. THAT FATEFUL MOMENT FEELS LIKE A BLESSING OF GOD. HERE IS A POEM DEPICTING THE SAME. HOPE YOU CONNECT WITH IT... I've lost count of years that passed after the last words were exchanged. I'm living since then on your memories alone as we grew apart and unknown we remain. Funnily enough, I don't know why I'm recalling you more than ever today. Your face, your thoughts grow on me like a fine wine that ages day by day. I smiled widely, I cried deeply It was like the first time we met. We are still those helpless, idiot kids our bond even fate couldn't forget. I know that all of this sounds cliche yet each and every word is true. Some secrets to tell, things left unsaid, we will take them together into the blue. So, until the day we meet again, I leave you with memories of me. Truly magnificent it is, how ou