
Showing posts from September, 2020


WE ALL HAVE BEEN THROUGH PHASES OF OUR LIFE THAT LEFT US AT CROSSROADS. THE DECISION TAKEN THERE WAS A CRUCIAL ONE. WHEN WE START TO DOUBT OURSELVES AND OUR STRENGTHS THEN IT BECOMES VERY HARD TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART. YOU MUST COME OUT OF THE OTHER END STRONGER THAN EVER. 😇 HERE IS A POEM. HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT... The perpetual passion within me, burns like blazes of inferno, and with every drop of ink consumed, the might of words, the world will know. A conflict that rages in my mind, to pursue or leave the things I love. The trail that I will follow along, is the one that leads to the skies above. A piece of art, a divine gift. A verse oozing of perfection. My flawed hand still holds the pen, delving deep in obsession. So I step out and search, underneath the crimson sun. A myth of mind, a fable of fate, a saga that is left undone.  


'SORRY' - ISN'T IT THE MOST OVERUSED AND OVERRATED WORD? A WORD MEANT TO HEAL THE BROKEN HAS NOW FALLEN TO SUCH A STATE THAT IT HAS LOST ITS MEANING. IT WILL ALSO NOT BE FAR-FETCHED TO CALL IT THE MOST MISUNDERSTOOD WORD TOO. HERE IS A POEM WHICH ALSO INCLUDES IT. WAS THIS 'SORRY' TRUE TO EMOTIONS OR ANOTHER IMPROPER USE OF IT ? LET ME KNOW.. 🙂 Walking down the road of souls, I found a strange flower one day. It fascinated me and I picked it up, so that with me, it could forever stay. A flower so beautiful, it rivalled the gems. An essence so pure- no less than a flame. It was a piece of a godly art, in front of it, everything was lame. Little did I know, it had thoughts, of wanting unending affection. It tried to bloom the best it could and always flourished in my direction. "But what was love if not returned?" was the question the flower asked itself. Day by day, it lost the bloom and into the void, it started to delve. It was all my doing that it met s