
Showing posts from May, 2024


⋆⋆✮♪♫🎧♫♪✮⋆⋆   A melody echoes in twilight's embrace, majestically unfurls - a symphony of grace. The notes dance alongside the moon, As the stars twinkle, trying to keep up the pace.     Your essence lingers in every chord, My fingers strum of their own accord. The strings of my heart so true, In the song of us, I find only you.     Each verse a portrait, painted with chimes, That captures how you and I rhyme, This rhythm in which you find your place, becomes a timeless melody, in an endless space. Your voice, a beacon in the night, Guiding me through the darkest plight, In tones so loud, you're the sweetest voice, A song of comfort, I hear and rejoice. So let the notes endlessly flow, In the cadence of love, let us grow, For in this song, forever entwined, You and I, a melody divine.   Such goes our tale, our music is the price, To my ears, only your voice feels nice.  ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ