
Showing posts from August, 2020


DREAMS- HOW THEY FASCINATE ME I CANNOT TELL YOU. THEY SHOW US SOMETHING THAT WE YEARN FOR. THESE DREAMS PROVIDE AN ESCAPE FROM OUR SUFFERINGS AND EVEN IF IT IS FOR A MOMENT, THEY GIVE US IMMENSE RELIEF. HERE IS A POEM ABOUT THE SAME. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. 😊 Day by day, the dreams I have, take me away from reality. They show me the most beautiful things, and things that fuel my sanity. Is it wrong to yearn for an illusion, which contains nothing but impossible? Moment by moment, it grows on me, how truth is not so impeccable. To be lost in the vast expanse, of never ending fantasies. I would like to live in such a world, full of hope and ecstasy. So before I wake, I want to sleep, as much as a lifetime's worth. The moment I open my eyes, I see, a colorless world with things I dearth.