
Showing posts from April, 2020


WARNING: THIS POEM IS DEPRESSING. IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH UNHEALTHY STATE OF MIND, PLEASE DON'T CONTINUE... HERE IT IS. A POEM ON A DEPRESSING MIND THAT IS UNABLE TO THINK STRAIGHT AND WANTS TO END ITS MISERY. I BELIEVE MANY READERS WILL BE ABLE TO RELATE TO IT. DROP YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT BELOW... I am broken from inside, choking on every breath I take. Maybe my death will bring to me the life I always wanted to make. Won't move ahead, I am done trying, and little by, little I am dying. Torn by the ravages of life, I am beyond saving now. I've wounded myself for a goal so fragile, I can't even smile as I don't know how. The illusions of world, I am done buying, and little by little, I am dying. Willingly descending and going to drown in the lake of despair made by me, for I am hanging amidst what could and what couldn't be. The secrets to joy, I am done prying, and little by little, I am dying. I was never happy with what I had an


WHEN FRIENDSHIP TURNS SOUR, MORE THAN FEELINGS GET HURT. IT IS LIKE LOSING A PART OF YOURSELF THAT YOU BUILT OVER THE YEARS. MOVING ON FROM THE REMAINS OF SUCH A BOND IS MUCH MORE HARDER THAN ANYTHING.. HERE IS A POEM DEPICTING THE SAME.. HOPE YOU LIKE IT 🙂 No words but mere silence was the culprit of our broken bond. We had a certain warmth in us which now has turned to chilling cold. What were those efforts to you ? When I tried so hard to mend us. You turned them to excuses and gave my tiny talks a shush. Perhaps it is pleasing to you, when you leave people behind. In ethereal excruciating envy which makes them willfully blind. Tell me, oh tell me how does it feels? Pretending that you never cared. When you moved ahead without a word, forgetting a little something we shared. I will never know that feeling, for I am the one following you. Sniffing after the trace you left of the intoxicating scent of you.